About the e-book Illustrations Sutartinės with sound records Map Lietuviškai
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The three volumes of Sutartinės comprise 1820 pieces, some of them containing two variants – a and b, e, g. No 1: Trijula, tatato, kur lapelė gulėjo? If you remember the first line, you can search by the title, e.g. Kas tar teka par dvarelį? If you know the number of the sutartinė, you can search by it (only type the number). Both the beginning of sutartinė and its number may be found in the alphabetical index (vol. 3). You may use other parameters that you are aware of – like the place of recording, e.g. Biržai, Kupiškis, Papilys, Taujėnai; the family names of the performers, e.g. Paliulis, Lapienė, Statulevičienė, Kuzavinienė; or the typical words from the refrain, like dobilio, ratilio, sodauto, tūto, lingo, etc.
Number Words in lyrics
Year Recorder
Place of recording Informant
Place of residence